The narrow door calls us to personal repentance, commitment, and a genuine relationship with Jesus. May we strive to enter and embrace His invitation to eternal life.

It reads in Luke 13:22-30 Easy> Jesus was teaching in every town and village. He continued to travel toward Jerusalem. Someone said to him, “Lord, how many people will be saved? Only a few?” Jesus said, “The door to heaven is narrow. Try hard to enter it. Many people will want to enter there, but they will not be able to go in. If a man locks the door of his house, you can stand outside and knock on the door, but he won’t open it. You can say, ‘Sir, open the door for us.’ But he will answer, ‘I don’t know you. Where did you come from?’ Then you will say, ‘We ate and drank with you. You taught in the streets of our town.’ Then he will say to you, ‘I don’t know you. Where did you come from? Get away from me! You are all people who do wrong!’ “You will see Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the prophets in God’s kingdom. But you will be left outside. There you will cry and grind your teeth with pain. People will come from the east, west, north, and south. They will sit down at the table in God’s kingdom. People who have the lowest place in life now will have the highest place in God’s kingdom. And people who have the highest place now will have the lowest place in God’s kingdom.”

“The Narrow Door”
In the quiet corridors of sorrow,
I stumbled upon a narrow door.
Its frame is worn and weathered,
Its hinges creaking with age.
I pushed it open, hesitantly,
Stepped into a world unknown.
The air was heavy with memories,
The walls whispered secrets.
Through that narrow door,
I glimpsed forgotten dreams,
The ones I had buried deep,
Afraid they would consume me.
There, in the dim light,
I found fragments of my soul,
Scattered like autumn leaves,
Waiting to be pieced together.
The narrow door held both pain and solace,
A threshold between what was and what could be.
I lingered there, torn between longing and fear,
Knowing that once crossed, there was no return.
And so, with trembling hands,
I stepped through the narrow door,
Leaving behind the familiar,
Embracing the unknown.
Sometimes, it is through the narrow doors,
That we find our truest selves,
Our hidden strength,
The courage to keep moving forward.
© Unknown Christian