The Lost Coin: A woman loses one of her ten silver coins. She sweeps her house diligently until she finds it. A person that was not obeying God is like the coin. The woman is like God. She is happy when she finds her coin. The joy she feels mirrors the heavenly rejoicing when a sinner repents. God is happy when someone turns back to him. This parable reminds us that each soul is of immense value to God, and He rejoices when we turn back to Him.

It reads in Luke 15:8-10 Easy English Bible> Jesus told them another story: ‘Now think about a woman who has ten valuable coins. She may lose one of them. What does she do then? She lights a lamp, and she sweeps inside her house. She looks carefully until she finds the coin. Then she speaks to all her friends and to those that live near to her. She says to them, “I have found the coin that I lost. So come to my house and we can all be happy together.” When one person stops doing wrong things, it is like that. It makes God’s angels and everyone in heaven very happy.’